This was me and my cutie on our first bike ride with the attached trailer.
It is hard work pulling a trailer up hill. I will tell you I stopped once at the end and walked up the hill. lol
I wasn't able to go very fast or very far pulling him. I guess the days I take him it will be for strength and lifting and the days he doesn't come will be for cardio! I tried. Also, this girl hasn't ridden a bike since the 8th grade picnic.
What is not to love about this amazing picture of kids leaving school on the last day? I was so ready for the school year to end. Not because I didn't love my kids, but I was SPENT.
This may be the best target shopping buddy around. If you pack some snacks and happen to find a random child's bike for him to ride, he is a joy to have in the store. I am thankful that no one asked him to get off of the bike because that would have caused a meltdown.
I know today is the first day of summer and this is the word sled, but I wanted to show you this because Reid traced it ALONE. I am so proud of him. He knows all of his letters, colors, and numbers to 9 to see them and can count to 17. (random I know) I am so proud of him!
This was my first day of school picture! I love that this little girl had on yellow and just made her picture pop! I let a smidge of her picture show so you could see her baby fat, because if you look at the next picture, it just isn't there. :(
The writing folders are in my store as a freebie
Last but not least my first and last day of school chalkboard sign is also a freebie in my store.
This was my last day of school picture, the same girl and she wore yellow again! You can also see how much her hair has grown and her baby fat has gone away!
The sign says every child is an artist. It is a part of my subway art. You can find it here.
The one was made by me since I couldn't find one anywhere. It only took about a half hour and I featured it during a Monday Made it. You can see that tutorial here. I made it out of a moving box.
The frames were from Michaels for a buck each on clearance last summer.
If you are trying to take the plunge and make your own printables, this may be for you. I hope you find it helpful!
I can't wait to take those perspective pictures that Miss Nelson was talking about. I can't wait to link up next week.

Your little boy is just precious and I enjoy seeing pics of him on Instagram. Love that smile. Good for you for letting him ride that bike around Target. Too many people forget that kids ARE kids. I wouldn't buy a bike anywhere if I wasn't allowed to give it a test whirl. Only thing...I haven't been on a bike since probably 8th grade too. I'm scared a car will hit me...on purpose. Lol! Great pics!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
I'm loving all of your pictures. Reid is precious. I know you will have a fun summer hanging with that sweet smart boy! I just got back from a long walk with Christian but riding a bike sounds like a blast. Thanks for linking up!